ImageThirteen years ago this month my husband and I were driving down the road toward Granbury, Texas, and saw a lady selling Chihuahua puppies.  I said I wanted to go and hubbie wasn’t thrilled, but said okay.  On that day I bought this little brown and tan Chihuahua that I named Lady and she was with us until today.  She brought us years of love, laughs, and litters of puppies that went to wonderful homes, but today her life came to an end.  A few months ago we were told she had cancer.  It was a mass near the bowels and would eventually get big enough to cause her not to be able to have a bowel movement.  About a month after that I noticed what looked like pebbles under the skin of her mammary glands, which meant she now had mammary cancer.  She was doing okay up until this week.  Well, I guess I should back up and give a little history.  After the vet told us she had cancer, we decided that treatment for this type of cancer was only palliative and really would not make a difference.  I made a promise to Lady that day that she would not have to suffer.  When the day came that I knew she was miserable and the time was right I would take her to the vet and let them put her to sleep.  That day came today.  I had wondered for the past couple of months when I would know it was time.  I mean you don’t want to do it too early, and cut her life too short, but then you also do not want to wait so long that the poor thing is suffering, but it ends up I knew when it was time.  I could tell that if we waited any longer I would break my promise to Lady, which I had no intention of doing.

I have to admit I spent most of the day crying, which some people may find weird, as it was just a “dog,” but what some people don’t understand is a pet can be closer than your own children or blood relatives.  They give you unconditional love no matter what you do to them.  I wasn’t the greatest pet mamma, but I made sure she had a full tummy, a nice place to sleep, and got lots of love.  She always met me at the door when I came home, had to sleep with me at night, and when I had a migraine or was hurting she would come and cuddle with me in bed, how many relatives and friends show a person that much love other than a spouse or possibly a child?  The difference is you pet for the most part will not talk back, will be completely loyal, and be happy for whatever attention you show them.  The thing is our pets have a way of taking a piece of our heart when they go to the “Rainbow Bridge” and those who do not have a special pet will never understand.

Lady will definitely be in our hears and minds for years to come.  I have two of her children still with me, Speedy and Sassy (my little 2 pound girl my businesses are named after), so we aren’t left alone, but it will just never be the same.  I am so glad I stopped and bought her 13 years ago, as I am sure my life would not have been the same without her.  We love you Lady and know you are in a better place with no pain chasing squirrels through the fields.  Till next time…